How Gsoft’s Application Modernization and Migration Streamlined Operations for an MNC

Posted: May 11, 2022

• 4 Min Read

Gsoft’s application modernization and migration services brought numerous advantages to a multinational organization that provides virtual number services. It simplified maintenance, improved security, and allowed remote deployment across multiple locations, leading to cost savings. The pilot modernization also led to improved client experience, streamlined development integration, better security protocols, and systematic information sharing among teams.

Our Client

The client is a multinational corporation specializing in providing virtual number services. As a prominent player in the telecommunications industry, they likely offer a wide range of virtual numbers that enable businesses and individuals to establish a global presence without physical location constraints.

They faced challenges in delivering efficient and effective services to their customers due to various legacy applications. To overcome these challenges, they required assistance with streamlining development integration, enhancing user experiences, improving security protocols, and promoting information sharing among teams. In addition, the client's team lacked the necessary expertise to modernize the applications for cloud-based containerization across multiple geographic locations. They chose Gsoft's services to play a pivotal role in assisting them in overcoming these challenges.

The Challenges

During the implementation of Gsoft's services for Application Modernization and Migration, they encountered various challenges.

  • Legacy Systems Integration: The organization relied on various legacy systems and applications that were not easily compatible with the proposed modernization roadmap. Ensuring smooth integration and data migration posed challenges.
  • Data Security Concerns: Given the nature of the services provided by the client, data security was of utmost importance. Migrating sensitive customer data to the cloud raised security concerns and required robust measures to address potential vulnerabilities.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the client's geographic location and the nature of services, they had to comply with various data protection and regulatory requirements. Ensuring compliance during the migration posed challenges.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance: The migration and modernization process required thorough testing and quality assurance to ensure that the new system functioned flawlessly. Overcoming potential bugs and issues was time-consuming.
  • Downtime and Disruptions: During the migration and integration process, reducing downtime, disruptions, or temporary performance issues, impacting user experiences and business operations was challenging.

The Solution

Gsoft proposed a roadmap that focused on enhancing process efficiency, leveraging advanced technology, and promoting workforce agility. The client was advised to shift towards a centralized cloud-based application.

The Approach

Assessment & Analysis, Goal Setting, and Roadmap Design
Gsoft undertook the implementation of the proposed roadmap, which prioritized enhancing process efficiency, leveraging advanced technology, and promoting workforce agility. The initial step involved conducting a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the client's existing processes, technology stack, and workforce capabilities, identifying key pain points and inefficiencies. Together with the client, clear and measurable goals were defined, aligning with the organization's long-term vision.

Based on the assessment and defined goals, Gsoft meticulously designed a detailed roadmap, outlining step-by-step procedures and key milestones for the implementation process. This encompassed process improvements, technological upgrades, and a robust strategy for transitioning to a centralized cloud-based application.

Cloud Architecture Design and Technology Selection
The team meticulously designed the architecture and structure of the centralized cloud-based application, ensuring scalability, robust security measures, and seamless integration with existing systems. Rigorous technology selection was undertaken, carefully aligning advanced technologies with the client's specific requirements and objectives.

Data Migration and Integration, along with Security Implementation
The migration of data and applications to the cloud environment was skilfully executed, with close attention to integration with existing systems and minimal disruption to ongoing operations. To safeguard sensitive data and protect the cloud-based application from potential threats, comprehensive security measures, including encryption and access controls, were meticulously implemented, ensuring compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

Training and Skill Development
In a dedicated effort to promote workforce agility, Gsoft conducted comprehensive training sessions, equipping the client's workforce with the necessary skills to utilize the new cloud-based application proficiently. Throughout the implementation process, a proactive change management strategy was employed, addressing any resistance to change and offering ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition for the workforce.

Testing and Quality Assurance, in addition to Deployment and Rollout
Rigorous testing and quality assurance were conducted to identify and rectify potential issues before the full deployment of the centralized cloud-based application. A controlled and phased deployment approach was adopted, closely monitoring performance during the initial stages.

Change Management, Continuous Improvement, and Monitoring & Maintenance
Post-implementation, Gsoft fostered a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, monitoring the application's performance, gathering user feedback, and making iterative enhancements to optimize efficiency and user experiences continually.

Throughout the process, effective communication and collaboration between Gsoft and the client's stakeholders played a pivotal role in ensuring the successful execution of the proposed roadmap. Comprehensive documentation and knowledge transfer were carried out, enabling the client's internal teams to achieve future self-sufficiency.

Documentation and Knowledge Transfer & Post-Implementation Evaluation
Finally, Gsoft conducted a post-implementation evaluation, objectively measuring the success of the modernization initiative against the defined goals. Areas for further improvement were identified, and adjustments were made to ensure the long-term effectiveness and impact of the solution.


Gsoft's application modernization and migration services delivered notable improvements to the multinational organization offering virtual number services. The client successfully implemented a centralized management system, resulting in elevated user experiences, heightened security measures, and streamlined development processes. The modernization also facilitated the transition from a decentralized legacy application to a centralized cloud application, resulting in simplified maintenance, enhanced security, and remote deployment across multiple locations.


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